Why alignment matters in coaching

One of the themes that comes up often in my executive coaching practice is ‘alignment’. Why is alignment so important to leaders today more than ever? I’ve got a few thoughts.

To me alignment means that you are living a life and career that is an intentional reflection of your values, making your actions feel frictionless. This doesn’t mean things are easy, but rather that things are purposeful.

This comes up in my coaching with leaders so often for a few reasons:

1. Many people feel like they are living the life they think they ‘should’ be living rather than the life they are ‘meant’ to be living. Many people feel like something is missing but they don’t know what, or they’re too afraid to go after it.

2. Discovering our values and our purpose is in some way an act of rebellion, and many of us have been taught to fear stepping out of line or challenging the status quo.

3. Work culture has undergone some tremendous shifts in the last few decades (and especially in the last 3 years) that have radically transformed our relationship to work, and therefore our relationship to ourselves. So many of us are struggling to create a life that feels like a representation of our true selves, while feeling stuck in a work system or beliefs and behaviors that no longer serve us. The more we gain clarity on our values, why we exist on this earth, and what legacy we want to leave behind, the more our work and lifestyle will reflect that ideal state.

As a coach, I help leaders arrive at a state of alignment so that they can each be living and working at their best.

The impact of doing this work is enormous. You showing with clarity about your strengths will not only make you better at your job and more fulfilled in your life outside of work, but it will make your team and those around you exponentially better as well. The question is, how much is alignment worth to you?

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Gratitude for this journey


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