The Future of Learning

What does the future of learning look like? As a Learning & Development leader and Executive Coach, I have spent a Iot of time asking myself this question and over the years I’ve heard and said the phrase “personalization at scale” more times than I can count. But I think the time has finally come to see this materialize in a meaningful way, thanks to the rise of AI and a broader investment in coaching.

1. Group coaching and cohort-style learning are only going to become more popular and desired. The future will focus more on connection over content where the unique challenges that a leader faces will be navigated within a group of peers who can provide expertise, questions, perspective, and feedback.

2. Executive coaching and coaching skills for managers: 1-1 development is the new black. Soon we will live in a world where everyone has a coach, or at least access to coaching conversations. This is truly the most personalized development strategy there is and any company who is not heavily investing in this level of personalized development will ultimately find themselves behind.

3. AI-supported content strategy: This should be a no-brainer by now but AI will serve as a supporting actor in all development programs where content is involved. The most effective teams will be the ones that seamlessly blend AI content tools (for example, in creating a personalized learning plan for individuals) with the irreplaceable wisdom of an executive coach or highly skilled manager.

What do you anticipate seeing in the next 3-5 years in learning and people development? Curious to know what others think! Let me know in the comments.


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