Coaching: A radical act

Every so often in my coaching practice I am struck by the realization that the work that we do together in coaching is perhaps the most radical, anti-capitalist, revolutionary thing someone can do.

While capitalism is (or at least feels) inescapable at times, our freedom lies in our ability to choose. And I don’t mean choose jobs, career paths, or industries. I mean to choose how we show up for ourselves and for those around us, to choose what kind of leader we want to be, to choose how we respond to challenges, and to choose whether or not we are living in full alignment to ourselves and our purpose. In coaching, we unpack all the fears, narratives, expectations, demands, and limiting beliefs to allow ourselves a full and expansive range of information about who we are and what our behaviors represent. It is with that knowledge and awareness of self that we arrive to a state of full choice and intentionality. And when we operate from there, we are able to acknowledge what no longer serve us in order to compassionately make space for You.

This, I believe deeply, is the most radical act available to us in our lifetimes. When each of us is working and living from this higher version of self, we are tapping into our innate creativity, our passions, our strengths, our curiosity and we are offering that to our colleagues, our direct reports, our leaders, and our business as much as we are offering it to ourselves. If each person on earth had the resources and privilege to do this level of meaningful work, I know with certainty that the world, and the world of business, would be a radically better place.

What would be different about the world if you could unlock the best of you? If you’re feeling brave, let me know in the comments or reach out for a free coaching consultation!


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